Mastering FP and OO with Scala

Making use of functional and object-oriented programming on JVM

Trait Init[Scope] in Sbt

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It’s been my wish to master Scala recently and since I’ve been spending more time with sbt I’ve made the decision to use one to master the other (in no particular order). There are quite a few sophisticated projects in Scala out there, but sbt is enough for my needs.

In order to pursue my understanding of sbt (and hence Scala itself) I’ve been reading the sources that honestly keep surprising me so much often. It’s almost every minute when I find myself scratching my head to digest a piece of sbt code. It’s akin to when I was reading the source code of Clojure to learn the language. People can write complicated code and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear sbt’s sources belong to the category. I don’t care, though. I’m fine with the complexity hoping the mental pain brings me closer to master Scala.

Today I picked the trait sbt.Init believing it’d be an important step in my journey.

NOTE It becomes feature-complete when the note disappears. Live with the few mistakes for now. Let me know what you think in the Comments section. The site is on GitHub so pull requests are warmly welcome, too. Thanks!

There’s the trait sbt.Init. I don’t really know what its purpose is and I hope to find it out after few Scala snippets. There’s just enough hope to master Scala while pursuing my understanding of sbt with the trait.


Create an instance of trait Init[Scope].


val init = new Init[Int] {
  def showFullKey: Show[ScopedKey[_]] = Show { (sk: ScopedKey[_]) => 

Run sbt and then execute the command consoleProject to open sbt’s Scala REPL with all the necessary types of sbt loaded.

Mental issues encountered

  1. I’m far from being able to distinguish easily type parameters, e.g. Scope, in parameterised types, e.g. Init[Scope], from types themselves. When I see Init[Scope] my Java-trained eyes see Scope type within Init type and although it doesn’t make sense after a moment that’s my initial thought.

  2. The type constructor Show[ScopedKey[_]] in the return value type of showFullKey is another trait Show that comes with apply that is supposed to return a String instance from ScopedKey[_]. But hey, ScopedKey[_] is another type constructor, and things get more complex for me again. Happily, Show has a companion object with apply method. The story ends as ScopedKey is a final parameterized case class and the function parameter f: T => String in Show returns a String so I’ve just merely followed the types and it happened to work fine. The Scala compiler happy and so am I.


Show is a function type (with apply) that accepts T and returns String. In our case, T is ScopedKey[_] that’s…well…it’s yet to be understood.

consoleProject in sbt

If you happened to want to see the code in action, execute sbt consoleProject and give the following a try:

// (attribute) key that points at Int value
scala> val number = AttributeKey[Int]("number", "number stringified")
number: sbt.AttributeKey[Int] = number
scala> val init = new Init[Int] {
     |   def showFullKey: Show[ScopedKey[_]] = Show { (sk: ScopedKey[_]) =>
     |     s"${sk.scope}:${sk.key}...${sk.scopedKey}"
     |   }
     | }
init: sbt.Init[Int] = $anon$1@1f95802
scala> val sfk: Show[init.ScopedKey[_]] = init.showFullKey
sfk: sbt.Show[init.ScopedKey[_]] = sbt.Show$$anon$1@7f54be72

scala> val s = sfk(init.ScopedKey[Int](scope=5, key=number))
s: String = 5:number...ScopedKey(5,number)
