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Contributing to Open Source Projects on GitHub - Cheat Sheet

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I’ve been contributing to many open source projects over the past couple of years and I found GitHub pleasantly helpful to continue the gig in the years to come. I’ve learnt few techniques along the way (from many sources I’m including after the section they appply to).

I don’t want to keep the techniques for myself so the git/GitHub cheat sheet is supposed to help me remember the commands and others to learn from my mistakes (aka experience). It’s so easy on GitHub that I keep wondering why it took me so long to learn it. It must not for you.

Have fun contributing to open source projects as much as I do! Pro publico bono.

NOTE It becomes feature-complete when the note disappears. Live with the few mistakes for now. Let me know what you think in the Comments section. Pull requests are welcome, too. Thanks!

Picking project

You start your day hunting down the project you want to contribute to. Be adventurous and pick the one you’ve always been dreaming about. This might be the day when the dream comes true.

I’m more into Scala/sbt lately so I’m with projects under control of the project build tool - sbt as I can learn both contributing.

Cloning project

Learning a project can take different approaches and reading the source code or just building it and staying on the cutting edge are a few examples.

In the project’s repository on GitHub, on the right-hand side, there’s this clone URL field. Select the protocol to use (HTTPS or SSH) and click the Copy to clipboard button.

In the terminal, execute the following command:

git clone [clone URL]

It creates a directory with the project. The sources are yours now, master.

Forking project

Your very first step is to fork a project. Forking means creating your own copy of the project. On GitHub it’s so easy with the Fork button in the upper-right corner. Click it and select the account you want the fork go.

In the terminal, go to the project’s directory and add the repository as a remote repository.

git remote add [remote-name] [clone URL]

I tend to use my first name for remote-name so I know that my personal repository copy is under jacek nick.

Branching project

Developing a change for a project is the real thing. It can be a documentation page, a fix for an issue or whatever else the project holds.

The following command

git checkout -b [branch-name]

creates and changes your current branch from master (usually) to branch-name. Use wip/ in the branch-name to denote that the work is in progress so people can review the changes before they get squashed and merged with the master.

Committing changes to project

On a branch, go the following to commit the changes of yours:

git commit -am [commit-message]

There are some strict rules on how to write a proper commit-message. For now, don’t worry about it too much. There are tougher things you will have to go through and writing proper commit messages don’t belong to that category…yet. It’s more important to get you up to speed with contributing to a project than to do it without mistakes from the day 0.

Pushing changes to remote repo

With the changes on the branch committed, it’s time to show off on GitHub. Push the changes with the following command:

git push [remote-name] [branch-name]

Using command completion can save you a lot of typing here. A decent shell like oh-my-zsh is highly recommended (on Mac OS X at the very least).

remote-name is the nick of the remote repository, e.g. jacek while branch-name is the name of the branch you’re working on right now.

Creating pull request on GitHub

With the changes in the remote repository on GitHub, you should now be able to send a pull request to the original repo (usually called origin, but git lets you name it whatever you like).

GitHub shows the Pull Request button when you’re changes hit your repository that’s a fork of the project. Click the button and fill out the blanks. GitHub uses your commit message as the title that further easies the process.

Click Create and you’ve just contributed to the project! Open Source Contributor badge unlocked! Congratulations.

Squashing changes

There might be times when your work in progress generates a stream of changes to a branch. It’s assumed that the changes are already git added and the project maintainers have requested to squash the changes so they ultimately go (aka get merged) to the master as a single change/commit (since a branch is usually about a single feature that’s often reasonable to have the feature merged in as a single change – so it’s self-contained and makes code review a little easier).

Use git rebase -i [branch]:

git rebase -i origin/master

where origin/master is the name of the master branch of the project you forked and then branched for your changes from the remote origin repository.

Fix any merge issues while rebasing. When fixed, git add the files changed (because of the merge conflict) and git rebase --continue afterwards.

You can always go back to the previous state (before doing git rebase) with git rebase --abort.

Doing squashing is worth the time since merging the changes with master later on becomes a no-brainer for the project maintainers.

Once you’re done with modifying the history of the changes in your branch, do git push -f to push your changes forcefully. The reason for the -f option is that you make changes to the history of a public branch that others could’ve already featched and based their work on – a conflict may be coming. To prevent the conflict git makes sure that’s what you really want to do. You’ve been warned.

Useful links about git rebase:

Deleting remote and local branches

When the work is over and all the changes are merged with the master, you can safely delete remote and local branches.

Once the work gets merged, GitHub asks you to delete the branch. Click the button under the pull request.

Delete the local branch with the command:

git branch -D [branch-name]

where branch-name is the name of the branch you want to delete.

You should change the branch to some other branch to be able to delete it.

Maintainers, use “Closes #XXX” to auto-close pull requests

It’s a feature of GitHub and mostly for project maintainers when they merging pull requests to master.

After you’re about to git push your local changes, git commit them and as the last line add Closes #XXX where XXX is the pull request id. It will auto-close the pull request.

Useful links about the feature:
