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Beginner "Guide" to Sbt 0.13 and IntelliJ IDEA 13

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It has not been very long ago when the only way to work with sbt projects in IntelliJ IDEA was to use the sbt-idea plugin that aimed at “creating IntelliJ IDEA project files”.

With the recent release of IntelliJ IDEA 13 (build: 133.193, released: December 3, 2013) it’s no longer true - the version comes with built-in sbt support and the support is available in the free Community Edition, too.

My recent, rather quite frequent visits on StackOverflow have showed that there’s one question very often asked - How to start using sbt with IntelliJ IDEA? It turns out that the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA 13 squashed it pretty neatly and the built-in sbt support made the question irrelevant.

Unless it changes, the page remains empty1. What a surprise, isn’t it? I’ve always been thinking about writing the best beginner guide and here it is…at long last!

On to querying StackOverflow’s #sbt tag for questions about a sbt support in IntelliJ IDEA 13.

  1. as a kind of placeholder for future tips and tricks