Mastering FP and OO with Scala

Making use of functional and object-oriented programming on JVM

Using AutoPlugin in Sbt for Common Settings Across Projects in Multi-project Build

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What a joy to learn all the goodies sbt brings to the table and be given a chance to apply it right away to commercial projects in Scala!

I’ve recently been assigned to a task to create a solution to share common settings across projects in a multi-project build in a Scala project managed by sbt. With the new feature of sbt - autoplugins - it was very easy to implement from the day one.

The solution = project/CommonSettingsPlugin.scala

import sbt._
import Keys._

object CommonSettingsPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  override def trigger = allRequirements
  override lazy val projectSettings = Seq(
    organization  := "io.deepsense",
    version       := "0.1.0",
    scalaVersion  := "2.11.6",
    scalacOptions := Seq(
      "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8", "-feature",
      "-language:existentials", "-language:implicitConversions"

Since the autoplugin is automatically triggered for all the projects in the multi-project build – override def trigger = allRequirements – all the projects have organization, version, scalaVersion, scalacOptions set. No other work is needed.

Simple and easy, and, what’s tracked under another issue, Jenkins should now be able to execute coverageReport and coverageAggregate without troubles for the project!

As a bonus, you don’t have to change anything in your sbt project to leverage the simplicity - just drop the code as project/CommonSettingsPlugin.scala and do show scalaVersion. From that moment on, all the (sub)projects in your multi-project build should have the same scalaVersion (unless you use a separate build.sbt for a project and set scalaVersion explicitly).

Lessons learnt

The initial mistake was to create a separate sbt project just to keep the autoplugin’s code.

From the very first day of the plugin’s life it was so much different from the other projects in the build – it almost yelled out in pain at me not to place it where it was initially. It was a sbt plugin and as such it only meant to enhance sbt itself (not be a part of the commercial project).

What’s even worse, up to the latest version of sbt 0.13.8 all plugins (are doomed to) use Scala 2.10.4 that’s an issue for sbt-scoverage plugin as it kept refusing to work with the version of Scala.

All in all, I seemed reluctant for a long time to have even thought of a better place for the plugin even though I had actually known it.

A few discussions on gitter on the sbt channel made my day after the very helpful and nice people from the channel lent me a helping hand to find the final solution - the autoplugin went under project and…my live was so much bright again!

What was later pointed out to me when we discussed the change in the team, the final solution was a mere 24 line removal (!)

It got +2 from a teammate and has been merged to master without much hussle.

p.s. Shhh, the team thinks it was just me to have figured it out myself.
