
Spark Structured Streaming Workshop (Apache Spark 2.3)

Spark Structured Streaming (aka Spark Streams) is the stream processing module in Apache Spark that offers a high-level declarative streaming Dataset API built on top of Spark SQL and allowing for continuous incremental execution of structured queries.

In this intensive one-day hands-on workshop, you will learn how to develop end-to-end continuous distributed streaming applications using Spark Structured Streaming. Once you complete this workshop, you will have a in-depth understanding of the origin, architecture and building blocks of Spark Structured Streaming, including (but not limited to) the following:

The programming language of the workshop is Scala (with Python or Java being acceptable yet posing some mental challenge for the trainer).

The version of Apache Spark is 2.3.0 (or later once released).

After completing the workshop participants should be able to:


1 days