Write a structured query that “merges” two rows of the same id
(to replace null
Module: Spark SQL
Duration: 30 mins
val input = Seq(
("100","John", Some(35),None),
("100","John", None,Some("Georgia")),
("101","Mike", Some(25),None),
("101","Mike", None,Some("New York")),
("103","Mary", Some(22),None),
("103","Mary", None,Some("Texas")),
("104","Smith", Some(25),None),
("105","Jake", None,Some("Florida"))).toDF("id", "name", "age", "city")
scala> input.show
| id| name| age| city|
|100| John| 35| null|
|100| John|null| Georgia|
|101| Mike| 25| null|
|101| Mike|null|New York|
|103| Mary| 22| null|
|103| Mary|null| Texas|
|104|Smith| 25| null|
|105| Jake|null| Florida|
scala> solution.show(truncate = false)
|id |name |age |city |
|100|John |35 |Georgia |
|101|Mike |25 |New York|
|103|Mary |22 |Texas |
|104|Smith|25 |null |
|105|Jake |null|Florida |