
Exercise: Using UDFs

Develop a standalone Spark SQL application (using IntelliJ IDEA) that uses your own upper user-defined function (e.g. my_upper).

Protip™: Use Scala’s StringOps.toUpperCase

Use your UDF in SQL, i.e. in spark.sql.

Use callUDF standard function to call your UDF.

Module: Spark SQL

Duration: 30 mins

Nondeterministic UDFs

Think about using non-deterministic “features” like the current timestamp or a random number. What happens when you use such “features” in your UDFs?

// Use .asNondeterministic to see the change
val randgen = udf { (n: Long) => util.Random.nextInt() }
  .withColumn("randgen", randgen('id))
  .select(randgen('id) === 'randgen)