
Exercise: Email Classification

Develop a Spark MLlib application that uses Logistic Regression for email classification, i.e. what emails are spam and not a spam.

Module: Spark MLlib

Duration: 45 mins


  1. Use Spark MLlib’s LogisticRegression and the transformers: Tokenizer and HashingTF
  2. Use Spark MLlib’s Pipeline
  3. Load CSV datasets for training and as a raw data
  4. Use Spark MLlib’s CrossValidator for model selection
  5. Persist the (best) model
  6. Calculate predictions
    1. Display the values, i.e. 0 is OK while 1 is SPAM, using when standard function
    2. val status = when('prediction === 0, "OK").otherwise("SPAM").as("status")

Input Dataset

Use Online Generate Test Data to generate a CSV dataset with fake emails and the columns: id, body, and label.

1,Zushad zam fawo gur licidtug zar honepru zolor muahada lep pired ciuvi.,0
2,Elfi ez lirde vizavbak depmapav us piwojaw sihhib novo luzkut de teb apemimi hezotce rubumzer mowja jowte.,1