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Day 4 / Apr 7 (Thu)

Spark SQL Exercises

Working on Exercises for Apache Sparkā„¢ and Scala Workshops

split function with variable delimiter per row

split function with variable delimiter per row

scala> val removeEmptyElements = (array: Seq[String]) => array.filter(e => !e.isEmpty)
removeEmptyElements: Seq[String] => Seq[String] = $Lambda$4378/0x0000000801843840@580792a3

scala> val removeEmptyElementsUDF = udf { (array: Seq[String]) => array.filter(e => !e.isEmpty) }
removeEmptyElementsUDF: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction = SparkUserDefinedFunction($Lambda$4379/0x0000000801844840@23ffb040,ArrayType(StringType,true),List(Some(class[value[0]: array<string>])),Some(class[value[0]: array<string>]),None,true,true)

scala> split_values.withColumn("split_values", removeEmptyElementsUDF($"split_values")).show(false)
|VALUES             |Delimiter|split_values          |
|50000.0#0#0#       |#        |[50000.0, 0, 0]       |
|0@1000.0@          |@        |[0, 1000.0]           |
|1$                 |$        |[1]                   |
|1000.00^Test_string|^        |[1000.00, Test_string]|

Exercise: Using Dataset.flatMap Operator

Exercise: Using Dataset.flatMap Operator

nums.flatMap { r =>
  val ns = r.getSeq[Int](0) => (ns, n))
}.toDF("nums", "num").show

Exercise: Flattening Array Columns

Exercise: Flattening Array Columns (From Datasets of Arrays to Datasets of Array Elements)

Scala / Implicit Conversions

Implicit Conversions


  1. Read the scaladoc of the following types in Spark SQL:


  1. 8:30am - 11:50am Exercises
  2. 11:50 - 12:40pm Lunch break
  3. 12:40pm - 2:30pm Exercises
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