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Day 2 / Apr 5 (Tue)

Introduction: Spark SQL

Next are 4 days to learn Spark SQL with Scala and SQL

  1. We know Scala already
  2. SQL is a brand new language to learn

Morning Exercise / Code Review

  1. Select one or more solutions for a code review
    1. Clone the repo
    2. Execute tests (sbt test)
    3. Import the project to IntelliJ IDEA
    4. Take notes about interesting parts of the code
    5. Be ready with questions to the author
    6. (advanced) If you find a bug, write a failing test
  2. Time: 45 mins

Self-Study: Reading Official Documentation

  1. Spark Overview (up to Running the Examples and Shell)
  2. Submitting Applications
  3. Spark SQL, DataFrames and Datasets Guide
  4. The scaladoc of Dataset

Demo: Writing Your First Spark SQL Application

Based on Getting Started.


  1. Spark: The Definitive Guide
  2. Learning Spark, 2nd Ed
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