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Day 24 / Apr 1 (Fri)

Scala Exam Friday


  1. Hybrid: remote and on-site. Whatever you prefer
  2. Exercises will be available on that day around 8:30am here
  3. How much time? From 8:30am to 3pm
  4. How many exercises? 3-5
    1. S-99: Ninety-Nine Scala Problems and many others
    2. Exercism
    3. Reddit
    4. codewars
    5. hackerrank
  5. Push all your solutions to GitHub
    1. A separate repo for every project
    2. Announce on slack privately to Jacek
  6. All (but scopt) we discussed is possible
    1. Consider ScalaTest a very important part of your development process
  7., .gitignore, method names are all stylistic yet very important things
    1. Consult Scala Style Guide
  8. It is as much important how many exercises you managed to complete as how well you wrote the ones you finished

Scala Coding Problems

The following Scala coding problems can be developed in any order based on your personal preference. The order is random and should not be considered based on their difficulty.

You're free to pick the problems you are the most comfortable with and can help you showing how much you mastered Scala over the past month. Enjoy!

  1. Letter value sum
  2. Isogram
  3. Nonogram row
  4. Hamming
  5. Robot Simulator

Extra Scala Coding Challenges

The following Scala exercises are mostly for fun and extra points. They should only be considered when you are done with the main Scala Coding Problems and you found them not challenging enough. Feel free to ignore them.

  1. Pascals Triangle
  2. Matching Brackets
  3. Spiral Ascension
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