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Day 1 / Apr 19 (Tue)

Introduction: Apache Kafka

Coming up next are 4 days to learn Apache Kafka (with Scala).

Morning Exercises

  1. Installing Apache Kafka following Apache Kafka Quickstart (up to and including "Step 5: Read The Events")
  2. [2021-04-26] Challenge #387 [Easy] Caesar cipher


  1. The Essentials of Apache Kafkaâ„¢ (Architecture and Core Concepts)


  1. Exercise: Developing Kafka Producer


  1. The official documentation of Apache Kafka
  2. Gently Down the Stream (A Gentle Introduction to Apache Kafka)


Review the following javadocs:

  1. package org.apache.kafka.clients.producer
    1. org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer
    2. org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
  2. package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer
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