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Day 3 / May 6 (Fri)

Today, the team puts focus on the following:

  1. Developing dockerized Spark and Kafka Streams application
  2. Contributing to a git repo on Github (using pull requests and issues)

In the Morning

Reviewing pull requests to scala-academy-sandbox repo.

Exercise: File Listing

Create a dockerized Scala command-line application that accepts a directory to list files from.

docker run [imageName] /path/to/a/directory

Push the code to a Github repo.

Removing Images by ID

Read Format command and log output.

docker rmi -f $(docker images --format '{{.ID}}' 'mateusz/*')

Exercise: Docker Mount

It's a follow-up exercise to Exercise 1.

Read Manage application data and mount a directory outside the Docker image to list files from.

Exercise: Dockerized Spark App

Create a dockerized Spark application that loads files from one or more directories.

  1. Use local[*] master URL
  2. Use scopt to handle command line (or use args)
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