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Day 2 / May 5 (Thu)

Focusing on Docker and developing dockerized Scala apps


A new month, new challenges.

  1. Switching gears and putting closer look at project collaboration using git, Github and pull requests
    1. PRs to the main scala-academy-sandbox repo
    2. Whatever needs to be reviewed should be a PR
    3. Use packages with your first name to scope your own classes
  2. Thu till the lunch break (12pm) in the office. At home later on.
    1. Checkpoints at 1:30pm and 2:15pm
  3. Working remotely
    1. Fri this week
    2. Mon and Tue next week
    3. perhaps even the whole week

In the Morning

  1. A demo of a dockerized Scala app (from the exercise yesterday) by the one and only Adam
  2. Exploring sbt-docker together


  1. Create a Docker image of a Scala command-line application that uses scopt (as an external dependency)
    1. --help for a demo is enough. Thanks Ania!
  2. Use sbt-docker plugin to create a Docker image
  3. Run the Scala application as a Docker container

In the Late Afternoon

  1. A demo of a dockerized Scala app by Mateusz
  2. Contributing to scala-academy-sandbox using pull requests
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