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Day 1 / May 4 (Wed)

Introduction to Docker

  1. Docker overview
  2. Get Docker
  3. Learn how to build an image using a Dockerfile

Dockerizing Scala Apps

Read the following pages to get familiar with sbt plugins for creating Docker images:

  1. sbt-docker
  2. sbt-native-packager
    1. Docker Plugin


  1. Write a Scala command-line application that prints out the command-line arguments to the standard output (console)
  2. Use one of the sbt plugins to create a Docker image
  3. Run the Scala application as a Docker container

Homework: Get started

Read the following documents and get familiar with the concepts of Docker:

  1. Get started / Part 1: Getting started
  2. Get started / Part 2: Sample application
  3. Get started / Part 3: Update the application
  4. Get started / Part 4: Share the application


  1. The official documentation of Docker
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