
Exercise: Using Consumer Group

In this exercise you will create a consumer group and observe what happens when the number of Kafka consumers changes.

Duration: 30 mins

TIP: Use kafkacat for more control (than kafka-console-producer that does not support sending messages to a given partition).


  1. Create a topic t1 with 3 partitions

     ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server :9092 --create --topic t1 --partitions 3
  2. Start a new consumer c1 in a consumer group CG1

     ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server :9092 --topic t1 --consumer-property group.id=CG1
  3. Start a Kafka producer that is attached to partition 0. Send a couple of messages with the key 0 for easier identification what producer sends what messages.

     kafkacat -P -b :9092 -t t1 -p 0 -K :

    (-K is for a key-value separator)

  4. Start another Kafka producer to send messages to partition 2 (with 2 key)

     kafkacat -P -b :9092 -t t1 -p 2 -K :

At this point you should have 3 partitions, 2 producers and 1 consumer. Observe what and how messages are consumed. Simply send messages so you can identity what message used what partition.

  1. Start a new consumer c2 in the CG1 consumer group

     ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server :9092 --topic t1 --consumer-property group.id=CG1
  2. Observe the logs in the Kafka broker

  3. Send a couple of message to observe if and how messages are distributed across the two consumers

  4. Start a new consumer c3 in the CG1 consumer group

     ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server :9092 --topic t1 --consumer-property group.id=CG1
  5. Send a couple of message to observe if and how messages are distributed across the consumers

  6. Shut down any of the running consumers and observe which consumer takes over the “abandoned” partition