
Exercise: Developing Kafka Producer


  1. Read the javadoc of KafkaProducer to know how to use the Producer API (to send messages to Kafka)
  2. Create a new Scala/sbt project in IntelliJ IDEA
    1. Leave the defaults for the versions of sbt and Scala
    2. They usually are the latest versions
  3. Define dependency for Kafka Clients API library
    1. Use mvnrepository to know the proper entry for kafka-clients dependency
  4. Write the code of a Kafka producer
    1. Name of the object: KafkaProducerApp
    2. Start with an empty Properties object and fill out the missing properties per exceptions at runtime
    3. Use ProducerConfig constants (not string values for properties)
    4. Don’t forget to close the producer (so the messages are actually sent out to the broker)
  5. Run the producer
    1. Use kafka-console-consumer to receive the messages
  6. Fix the slf4j logging errors
    1. Define dependencies for slf4j-api and slf4j-log4j12 in build.sbt
    2. Create src/main/resources/log4j.properties as the configuration file
    3. Use Apache Kafka’s config/log4j.properties as the sample (4 first non-comment lines)
  7. Duration: 30 mins